Sportredacteuren eisen dringende hervormingen van de NFF vanwege de problemen van de Super Eagles in de WK-kwalificatie van 2026

Sportredacteuren eisen dringende hervormingen van de NFF vanwege de problemen van de Super Eagles in de WK-kwalificatie van 2026

The Guild of Sports Editors in Nigeria has expressed deep concern over the Super Eagles’ dismal performance in the 2026 FIFA World Cup qualifiers and called for implementation of drastic measures by the Nigeria Football Federation, NFF .

The body, which comprises all the managers of sports departments in the country’s major media organizations, said it viewed with dismay the poor performance of the Super Eagles in the ongoing qualifying series for the World Cup, adding that it is unacceptable that Nigeria is struggling in fifth position in a group that comprises Lesotho, Rwanda, Benin Republic, Zimbabwe and South Africa.

Rising from a meeting on Tuesday, the Guild said that although the situation in Group C looks irredeemable after four games, Nigeria could still qualify for the World Cup if the NFF puts its house in order.

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In a communiqué signed by its president, Mr Tony Ubani, the Guild said: “We are shocked by the manner Nigeria’s bid to return to the World Cup after missing the 2022 edition is being mismanaged by the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) through wrong and belated decisions and inability to set the rules for the national team.

“The NFF waited until just a month to the resumption of the qualifiers before naming a coach through a process flawed by many stakeholders because it did not follow due process.

“They kept quiet when some of the members of the new technical crew rejected their appointments; they have not shown leadership even when some of the players rejected invitation to the national team.

“Now is not the time to apportion blames, but the NFF must know that Nigerians cannot tolerate failure to qualify for the World Cup, especially now that Africa’s slot has been increased to nine countries.”

The Guild called for a complete overhaul of the NFF’s technical department, saying that the committee should contain only football persons with sound technical knowledge of the game.
“The technical department is supposed to be the engine room of the federation, which should direct what happens at the national teams. It is not a place for politically correct individuals who know little or nothing about the game.”

The editors lamented that Nigeria could only secure three out of 12 available points after four matches to languish in fifth position in Group C, saying that such poor form could have been avoided if the relevant persons did their jobs properly.

To arrest the situation, the body urged the NFF to scout for more corporate support for the Super Eagles, saying that the federation should spread its net to generate the resources that would aid its preparations for the remaining matches in the qualifying series.

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It added: “The NFF must change its priority and take the national teams as the first among its responsibilities. The practice of packing the country’s delegation to matches with states’ FA chairmen and nebulous stakeholders, who add nothing to the Super Eagles, must be stopped. Monies saved from estacodes that are paid to these ‘stakeholders’ should be used to address issues in the national team, including remuneration for assistant coaches.”

The body also urged the NFF to check the way players are invited to the national team, saying that most of the players in the current Super Eagles squad have no place in the team.

“Some of the players are no longer relevant in the Super Eagles; their cycle is done. The entire Super Eagles system needs an overhaul and those officials, who have nothing more to add to the team, should go.

“The NFF should also investigate the players’ attitude to these qualifiers to find out if their output is a form of protest. We say this because some players can do anything to sack the coach if they don’t like him.

“So going forward, the NFF must ensure that only players willing to serve the country are invited to the national teams. It is embarrassing to see players pulling out of national assignments. It suggests that the NFF did not do its homework before inviting such players to camp.

“The NFF must also ensure that going forward players do not stroll into camp two days before any match. There must be a timeline for players to join the camp and appropriate sanction for anybody that flouts that timeline.”

On the technical crew, the editors said that Coach Finidi George has failed to galvanise his players to serve the country to the best of their ability, adding that Skipper William Troost-Ekong, who was left out of the last two games, should be brought back to offer leadership to the squad.

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Sportredacteuren over de hele wereld hebben de Nigeriaanse Voetbal Federatie (NFF) opgeroepen om dringende hervormingen door te voeren vanwege de problemen waarmee de Super Eagles worden geconfronteerd tijdens de kwalificatiewedstrijden voor het Wereldkampioenschap van 2026.

De Super Eagles, die bekend staan als een van de meest getalenteerde teams in Afrika, hebben de afgelopen jaren moeite gehad om consistent te presteren op internationaal niveau. Dit werd duidelijk tijdens de kwalificatiewedstrijden voor het WK van 2026, waar Nigeria worstelde om zich te kwalificeren voor het toernooi.

Sportredacteuren hebben verschillende problemen geïdentificeerd die hebben bijgedragen aan de teleurstellende prestaties van de Super Eagles. Een van de belangrijkste zorgen is het gebrek aan investeringen in de jeugdontwikkeling en infrastructuur van het Nigeriaanse voetbal. Dit heeft geleid tot een gebrek aan talentontwikkeling en een gebrek aan diepte in het nationale team.

Daarnaast hebben critici ook gewezen op problemen met het management en de coaching van het team. Er zijn zorgen geuit over de selectiecriteria en tactieken die worden gebruikt door de coaches van de Super Eagles, evenals over de manier waarop spelers worden behandeld en gemotiveerd.

Om deze problemen aan te pakken, roepen sportredacteuren de NFF op om dringende hervormingen door te voeren. Dit omvat het investeren in jeugdontwikkelingsprogramma’s, het verbeteren van de infrastructuur van het Nigeriaanse voetbal en het aannemen van competente en ervaren coaches om het nationale team te leiden.

Door deze veranderingen door te voeren, geloven sportredacteuren dat Nigeria in staat zal zijn om zijn potentieel als voetbalnatie te realiseren en weer een krachtige speler te worden op internationaal niveau. Het is nu aan de NFF om actie te ondernemen en ervoor te zorgen dat de Super Eagles de steun en middelen krijgen die ze nodig hebben om te slagen.

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