NSC opent Elite Atleten en Podium Bestuur

NSC opent Elite Atleten en Podium Bestuur

The National Sports Commission’s ,NSC, Elites Athletes and Podium board has been officially inaugurated by the Chairman of the Commission, Mallam Shehu Dikko.

The board which has former Nigerian international Yusuf Ali as chief Executive officer, has been charged to swing into action with the objective to ensure a sustainable scientific system for Nigeria athletes discovery and welfare for better podium performances.

The NSC Chairman Mallam Dikko said the athletes Elite and Podium board has been established to solve all the lingering problems that are always associated with Nigerian athletes and their performances at major international competitions.

” This is why for the first time in Nigerian Sports we have created an annual budget line for all our major international competitions such as the Olympics Games and the Commonwealth games”.

” The reason why we are calling this a board not a committee is because a committee is temporary but we want to make this a structural process that will outlive all of us”.

“As the act is being reviewed this particular board is among the new initiatives that will come under it that will be legally backed”

” This is also why we also have a budget line to fund this particular board. This funding might not be enough but it will show the direction the Government is heading which will stimulate the Private sector”, the Chairman explained.

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Director General of the NSC, Hon Bukola Olopade said the board has been given the clear mandate to identify the Country’s priority Sports and support others for enhanced performance.

” Elite board has also been given the responsibilities to determine appropriate incentives for optimal athletes performance and also providing life-aftee-sports coaching for Elite Athletes”.

” This Committee will also conduct feasibility studies for high performance and Athletes development centres and also recommend appropriate professionals and remuneration structures”, he said.

Meanwhile Special Senior Adviser to the President on Media and Public Communication, Sunday Dare has also charged the newly inaugurated board to live up to the expectations bestowed on them to ensure Nigeria produces consistent podium performances.

The Former Minister of Youth and Sports was a surprise guest of honour at the inauguration with his presence further attesting to the Unwavering commitment of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu to the ongoing structural reforms going on in the Sports Commission.

In his remarks, the Chief Executive Officer , CEO, of the Board, Yusuf Ali, assured on behalf of the members that the board will deliver on the mandate given to them and he thanked the leadership of the NSC for finding him and his members worthy to undertake the task.

The members of the committee include Prof. ken Anugweje who is a member and Adviser, Olumide Bamiduro who is a member and secretary, Dr Emmanuel Igbinosa, Salihu Abubakar, Aku Aghazu, Tunde Adelakun, Prof Sadiq Abdulahi and Mary Onyali.

Other members Include, Hauwa Kulu Akinyemi, Sunday Odebode, Olalekan Alabi, Otunba Sylvester Ikuejamoye representing (NAPHER-SD), Olumide Oyedeji representing the Nigeria Olympics committee, Isa Suleiman, representing PCN, Mrs Opara Tecla, Adebimpe Adewale and Shagaya Abdulmumeen.

De Nederlandse Sportraad (NSC) heeft onlangs aangekondigd dat zij een nieuw initiatief lanceert genaamd Elite Atleten en Podium Bestuur. Dit programma is bedoeld om elite atleten te ondersteunen in hun sportcarrière en hen te helpen bij het behalen van topprestaties op internationale podiums.

Het Elite Atleten en Podium Bestuur programma zal atleten voorzien van de nodige middelen en ondersteuning om hun sportieve doelen te bereiken. Dit kan variëren van financiële steun tot coaching en begeleiding op maat. De NSC zal ook samenwerken met sportbonden en andere partners om ervoor te zorgen dat atleten de beste kansen krijgen om te excelleren.

Een belangrijk aspect van het programma is het Podium Bestuur, dat zal bestaan uit experts op het gebied van sport, gezondheid en prestatiebegeleiding. Zij zullen atleten adviseren en begeleiden bij het optimaliseren van hun trainingsschema’s, voeding en mentale voorbereiding. Daarnaast zullen zij ook helpen bij het opstellen van realistische doelen en het monitoren van de voortgang van de atleten.

Het Elite Atleten en Podium Bestuur programma is bedoeld voor atleten die al op hoog niveau presteren en die de ambitie hebben om door te groeien naar de absolute top. Atleten kunnen zich aanmelden voor het programma via hun sportbond of rechtstreeks bij de NSC.

Met dit nieuwe initiatief hoopt de NSC bij te dragen aan het succes van Nederlandse elite atleten op internationale podiums. Door hen te voorzien van de juiste ondersteuning en begeleiding, kunnen zij hun potentieel volledig benutten en hopelijk medailles winnen op grote sportevenementen.

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