Laat Nigeria de NNPC/Shell Cup nieuw leven inblazen! – Odegbami

Laat Nigeria de NNPC/Shell Cup nieuw leven inblazen! - Odegbami

I have been in hibernation for two weeks, high up in the hills of Wasimi in Ogun State buried in work. As a result, I failed to catch up with some major sports news. I missed Raphael Nadal’s loss in the first round at Roland Garros. I missed Manchester United’s surprise defeat of my favourite team in the English Premier League, Manchester City FC in the FA Cup final. I also missed Nigeria’s matches at the CAF Under-17 AFCON where I am told that, for the second time in a row, the national team failed to win and to qualify for the FIFA World Under-17 Championship.

I asked what the reactions to not qualifying out of Africa to the FIFA championship where Nigeria holds the best records in the world with 5 World Cup victories. I had to ask because, contrary to my expectations should Nigeria fail a second time in a row, the world did not end!

Instead, (as I was told) the country’s football officials are actually toying with the idea of promoting the ‘failed’ coach of the team to a higher age-grade level!

Golden Eaglets finished in third position at 2024 WAFU B U-17 Championship and failed to book a spot at U-17 AFCON

Nigerian football did not shake to its roots? Nobody was fired? Nothing happened? The country and its football have just moved on, unperturbed  and undisturbed, when my own blood pressure had shot up in worry and uncommon concern? What is happening? Where has Nigeria’s passion for grassroots football gone to? What is happening at the grassroots level of Nigerian football? Why would the country’s national teams suddenly become cannon fodder for other African teams? Why would the production room of great Nigerian players and squads in the past suddenly become impotent and unproductive?

Also Read: A Manager, Not A Coach, For The Super Eagles! –Odegbami

Yet, even from my humble observatory in the hills of Wasimi, I see global interest for young, strong, athleticNigerian football players by foreign clubs, exploding.

It must never be true that the head coach of the U-17 is being touted for promotion to a higher age-grade level after failing to take the team beyond Africa.  There are too many questions begging for answers.

Let me step back a little and examine the foundations of the grassroots again.

There is a global football competition for Under-17s.  Nigeria has won it 5 times.

That means that participants from Nigeria must have come from the millions of boys in secondary schools, with most under the age of 17.

In Nigeria, in particular, for that age group, at around 16 years of age, the secondary school offers the best option for the discovery, development, assembly and authentication of the young, gifted football players that will represent the country. Beyond that, the schools also offer the best opportunity to reduce the incidences of cheating that have smeared the country’s reputation, and slightly affected the integrity of their past U-17 victories.

Using the schools offers the best opportunity to reduce the tendency to cheat. The schools have the numbers, trained and qualified teachers in Physical and Health Education, and some level of basic facilities within them to kick-start ‘something’ in the process of player-development.

Also Read: Random Thoughts On Football Associations! –Odegbami

There was a time (not too long ago) that a national football competition between secondary schools around the country existed.

It was founded and funded by the Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria Ltd, SPDC. For 19 years, the competition, even with its foibles, provided a platform that fed the selection process of players for the Under-17 teams in the various States and at the national level. In a particular year, 11 players were invited from the Shell Cup competition for the national Under-17 team.

The space left by Shell Cup has not been filled since then, even though there are a few emerging football competitions with their sponsors for schools in some States. Unfortunately, these do not enjoy national coordination and so, lose their power to fully harvest the best crop of emerging young talented footballers in the country. Many of the best players may not be caught in the net that the most authentic under-17 players should go through.

Football academies mushrooming all over the country now provide the feed for the national team. Their numbers are limited despite their rapid expansion, and most will not pass the age integrity test with most of their players being out of the school system. Under this arrangement, the vast number of the most gifted and authentic talents remain undiscovered.

The issue of school sports, generally, needs to be looked at microscopically and practically again by both the Federal Ministries of Education and of Youth and Sports. Their partnership is key and critical. A good working relationship between them will make the school the epicentre for the discovery, nurture and development of grassroots athletes for the country’s Under-17 national teams. Essentially, the matter must go beyond irrelevant and  endless ‘talk talk’ without action. Some affirmative action is needed. The effort to make sports development at secondary schools level authentic should never fall victim to short-cuts, desperation or frustration.

School sports should be revived, made authentic and promoted as the bedrock of all grassroots sports development.

Even SPDC should be reminded of its contributions in the past, and can still be encouraged to revive that invaluable All-Nigerian Secondary Schools Football Championship for the NNPC/Shell Cup that involved some 60,000 new student footballers every year.

Nigeria’s U-17s (Golden Eaglets) Head Coach, Manu Garba

Specialisation of coaches!

Meanwhile, back to the issue of Nigerian coaches at age-grade levels.

Nigeria should have coaches specializing to handle specific levels of football development. The practice of ‘promoting’ coaches from one age-group level to the next can be counter productive.

The requirement for training of players at different age groups varies.

There are coaches that have the ‘eye’ to spot exceptionally talented players from an ‘army’ of children. These are the best scouts for fresh talent. They recommend players to schools, clubs, and even the national teams.

Also Read: Solving Nigeria’s Unending Sports Development Challenge! –Odegbami

There are coaches that know how to take raw talents, hone and transform them into technically skilfull playerswith confidence to play freely and the ability to tame the ball and make it do his bidding.  They know how to teach players basic skills, to head, to pass, to shoot, to control the ball with different parts of the foot, to dribble, to tackle and so on. These are the essential requirements for mostly Under-17 players.

Above that, some coaches are good at training players to understand team tactics, strategies, formations, discipline and organization whilst developing their physique, strength, flexibility and speed.

At the very highest level, special training skills and knowledge from experience, are needed to blend all the above with player management, psychology and comfortability against the highest levels of opposition.

It  follows that coaches should remain within their areas of specialization and experience in order to flourish best, and add the highest value to developing players. Promotion up the rung of age groups may be a ‘wrong’prescription for coaches.

So, Nigeria’s absence from the next FIFA Under-17 Championship is a great shock. It should be of great concern to football administrators and the people.  It is surprising that the failure came and went, and nothing has happened. It is almost like it did not happen at all. Whereas, it is a catastrophe considering where the country’s football was in the world some time ago, and could be now.

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De NNPC/Shell Cup was ooit een van de meest prestigieuze voetbaltoernooien voor middelbare scholieren in Nigeria. Het toernooi werd opgericht in de jaren 70 door de Nigeriaanse Nationale Petroleummaatschappij (NNPC) en Shell Petroleum Development Company om jonge talenten te ontdekken en te ontwikkelen. Het bood jonge spelers de kans om hun vaardigheden te tonen en door te breken in het professionele voetbal.

Helaas is de NNPC/Shell Cup de afgelopen jaren in verval geraakt. Het toernooi is niet meer zo prominent aanwezig in de Nigeriaanse voetbalwereld en heeft zijn glans verloren. Dit is zonde, want het toernooi heeft in het verleden veel talent voortgebracht, waaronder bekende spelers als Jay-Jay Okocha, Nwankwo Kanu en John Obi Mikel.

Voormalig Nigeriaans internationaal voetballer Segun Odegbami heeft gepleit voor het nieuw leven inblazen van de NNPC/Shell Cup. Hij gelooft dat het toernooi een belangrijke rol kan spelen bij het ontwikkelen van jonge voetbaltalenten in Nigeria en het stimuleren van de groei van het nationale voetbal.

Odegbami benadrukt dat Nigeria een rijke voetbaltraditie heeft en dat het belangrijk is om te investeren in de ontwikkeling van jonge spelers. Door de NNPC/Shell Cup nieuw leven in te blazen, kunnen talentvolle spelers de kans krijgen om zich te laten zien en door te breken in het professionele voetbal.

Het is daarom belangrijk dat de NNPC en Shell samenwerken om het toernooi nieuw leven in te blazen en ervoor te zorgen dat het weer een prominente plaats inneemt in de Nigeriaanse voetbalwereld. Door te investeren in de jeugd en het ontwikkelen van talent, kan Nigeria zijn positie als voetbalnatie versterken en meer succes behalen op internationaal niveau.

Het is tijd om de NNPC/Shell Cup nieuw leven in te blazen en jonge voetbaltalenten in Nigeria de kans te geven om te schitteren op het hoogste niveau. Met de steun van de NNPC, Shell en andere belanghebbenden kan dit toernooi weer uitgroeien tot een broedplaats voor toekomstige voetbalsterren.

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